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Applying for international trade marks

The service provides applicants who have their permanent residence, registered office or business in the territory of the Slovak Republic or are a Slovak national to file with the Office an application for international registration of a trademark under the Madrid system. The application may be filed at the same time as the application for a national trade mark or at any time thereafter. The Office mediates all actions at the International Bureau for the applicant/owner of the international trade mark. The applicant/owner does not communicate directly with the International Bureau, but only pays the fees to the International Bureau in accordance with the current scale of fees in a single currency (Swiss francs).

The service is part of the processes within the International Trademark Procedure parts of the Office, and is carried out in several steps, such as the filing of an application for international registration of a trademark under the Madrid system, the applicant's two-way communication with the Office through successive filings, and the exercise of ordinary and extraordinary remedies.

Link to the International Trade Mark Application Service