Original publications of the Office staff, translations of international treaties, agreements, conventions and laws in the field of intellectual property, international classification systems for inventions, designs and trademarks.
All publications can be ordered in writing (písomne) or via the Internet (internetu).
Publications of the IPO SK in Slovak language:
- Medzinárodná prihláška podľa PCT (PDF, 2,1 MB) (Inštrukcia pre prihlasovateľov, ako vyplniť formulár žiadosti medzinárodnej prihlášky (PCT/RO/101) podanej podľa Zmluvy o patentovej spolupráci (PCT), rok vydania 2019 (International Application under the PCT (Instructions for applicants on how to fill in the application form for an international application (PCT/RO/101) filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), year of publication 2019)
- Hladká, Ľ.: Konanie o medzinárodnej prihláške podanej podľa Zmluvy o patentovej spolupráci (PCT) – základné informácie (rok vyd. 2017), 3,- €
(Hladká, Ľ.: Proceedings on an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) - basic information (year of publication 2017), 3,- €) - Dibdiak, Ľ.: Medzinárodné ochranné známky podľa Madridského systému, 2. vydanie (rok vyd. 2012), 15 €
(Dibdiak, Ľ.: International Trademarks under the Madrid System, 2nd edition (2012), 15 €) - Maruniaková, I., Klinka, T., Midriaková, L., Mikuličová, J.: Komentár k zákonu o ochranných známkach. Nezmenené vyd. 2016 (elektronická verzia v PDF formáte), 7 €
(Maruniaková, I., Klinka, T., Midriaková, L., Mikuličová, J.: Commentary to the Trademark Act. Unchanged ed. 2016 (electronic version in PDF format), 7 €) - Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku XI, rok vyd. 2011 (PDF, 12,6 MB) (Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia XI, year of publication 2011)
- Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku X, rok vyd. 2010 (PDF, 3,5 MB) (Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia X, year of publication 2010)
- Predpisy priemyselnoprávnej ochrany Slovenskej republiky, 4. vydanie (Regulations of Industrial Law Protection of the Slovak Republic, 4th edition)
- Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku IX, rok vyd. 2009 (PDF, 1,2 MB) (Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia IX, year of publication 2009)
- Predpisy priemyselnoprávnej ochrany Slovenskej republiky, 3. vydanie (PDF, 3,4 MB) (Slovak Republic Industrial Law Protection Regulations, 3rd edition)
- Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku VIII. rok vyd. 2008, 3,31 €
(Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia VIII. year of publication 2008, 3,31 €) - Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR I. + II. + III. diel, 9,95 €
(Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office of Intellectual Property of the Slovak Republic I. + II. + III. volume, 9,95 €) - Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR III. rok vyd. 2007, 4,97 €
(Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Slovak Republic III. year of publication 2007, 4,97 €) - Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku VII, rok vyd. 2007, 6,63 €
(Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia VII, year of publication 2007, 6,63 €) - Medzinárodné triedenie výrobkov a služieb na zápis ochranných známok I., II. (Niceské triedenie) 9. vydanie, 2006. cena 43,15 €
(International Classification of Products and Services for the Registration of Trademarks I, II (Nice Classification) 9th edition, 2006. price 43,15 €) - Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku VI. vyd. 2006, 6,63 €
(Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia VI. ed. 2006, 6,63 €) - Medzinárodná prihláška podľa PCT. Inštrukcia pre prihlasovateľov, ako vyplniť formulár (PCT/RO/101) medzinárodnej prihlášky podanej podľa zmluvy o patentovej spolupráci (PCT), 1. vyd. 2005, 1,65 €
(International application under the PCT. Instructions for applicants on how to fill in the form (PCT/RO/101) of an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1st ed. 2005, 1,65 €) - Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR II.diel, 1.vyd. 2005, 10,95 €
(Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office of the Patent Office of the Slovak Republic, Volume II, 1st ed. 2005, 10,95 €) - Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku V (ku Svetovému dňu duševného vlastníctva). 2005.9,95 €
(Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia V (for the World Intellectual Property Day). 2005.9,95 €) - Duševné vlastníctvo - prostriedok rozvoja malého a stredného podnikania, 2. doplnené vydanie prekladu WIPO, ( rok vyd. 2005 ), 8,63 €
Intellectual property - a means of development of small and medium business, 2nd supplemented edition of the WIPO translation, ( year of publication 2005 ), 8,63 €) - Predpisy priemyselnoprávnej ochrany Slovenskej republiky. 2. vydanie podľa stavu k 1. 1. 2005. 6,63 €
(Regulations of Industrial Law Protection of the Slovak Republic. 2nd edition as of 1 January 2005. 6,63 €) - Barica, J.: Malý slovenský panteón vedy a techniky. 2004. 4,97 €
(Barica, J.: Small Slovak Pantheon of Science and Technology. 2004. 4,97 €) - Tuma, M.: Marketing myšlienok. 2. vydanie. 2004. 9,79 €
(Tuma, M.: Marketing of ideas. 2nd edition. 2004. 9,79 €) - Dibdiak, Ľ.: Medzinárodné ochranné známky podľa Madridského systému, 1. vydanie (rok vyd. 2004), 13,27 €
(Dibdiak, Ľ.: International Trademarks under the Madrid System, 1st edition (year of publication 2004), 13,27 €) - Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku 4. 2004. 4,97 €
(Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia 4. 2004. 4,97 €) - Duševné vlastníctvo a clá 2004. 4,97 €
(Intellectual Property and Customs 2004. 4,97 €) - Právne predpisy Európskej únie v oblasti priemyselného vlastníctva. 2003. 9,12 €
(European Union legislation in the field of industrial property. 2003. 9,12 €) - Triednik dizajnov podľa Locarnskej dohody doplnený podrobnejším triedením. 8.vyd. 2003. 4,97 €
(Classification of Designs under the Locarno Agreement, supplemented by a more detailed classification. 8th ed. 2003. 4,97 €) - Dohovor o udeľovaní európskych patentov (Európsky patentový dohovor). 2003. 4,97 €
(Convention on the Grant of European Patents (European Patent Convention). 2003. 4,97 €) - Zborník zo seminára Zlepšovateľstvo na Slovensku. 2003. 3,65 €
(Proceedings of the seminar Improvement in Slovakia. 2003. 3,65 €) - Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR. 1. diel. 2003. 9,79 €
(Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office of the Patent Office of the Slovak Republic. Volume 1. 2003. 9,79 €) - Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku 3. 2003. 6,63 €
(Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia 3. 2003. 6,63 €) - Hajnalová, Z. - Suja, J.: Ochranná známka Spoločenstva (CTM). 2002. 4,97 €
(Hajnalová, Z. - Suja, J.: Community Trademark (CTM). 2002. 4,97 €) - Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku 2. 2002. 6,63 €
(Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia 2. 2002. 6,63 €) - Judikáty sťažnostných senátov Európskeho patentového úradu, 1.diel. 2001 24,89 € (cena za 2 diely - 2. diel vydal ÚPV ČR v českom jazyku)
(Judgments of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, Volume 1. 2001 24,89 € (price for 2 volumes - Volume 2 published by the Czech Patent Office in Czech language) - Ján Barica: Malý slovenský panteón vedy a techniky, ÚPV SR, 2004 134 str., cena 4,97 €
(Ján Barica: The Little Slovak Pantheon of Science and Technology, ÚPV SR, 2004 134 pages, price 4,97 €) - Medzinárodné triedenie obrazových prvkov ochranných známok (Viedenské triedenie) (1999) 6,30 €
(International Classification of Figurative Elements of Trademarks (Vienna Classification) (1999) 6,30 €) - Triednik priemyselných vzorov podľa Locarnskej dohody (7. vydanie) doplnený podrobnejším triedením (1999) 3,98 €
(Classification of Industrial Designs according to the Locarno Agreement (7th edition) supplemented by a more detailed classification (1999) 3,98 €) - Zmluva o patentovej spolupráci (1998) 6,97 €
(Patent Cooperation Treaty (1998) 6,97 €) - Vytvorme si ochrannú známku - úvod do problematiky ochranných známok pre malé a stredné podniky (Let's Make a Trademark - An Introduction to Trademark Issues for Small and Medium Enterprises)
- Príťažlivý vzhľad - úvod do dizajnov pre malé a stredné podniky (Attractive Appearance - an introduction to designs for small and medium sized businesses)
- Uč sa z histórie, vytváraj budúcnosť (Learn from history, create the future)
- Vynaliezanie budúcnosti - úvod do problematiky patentov pre malé a stredné podniky (Inventing the future - an introduction to patents for SMEs)
- Tvoj vlastný svet duševného vlastníctva - úvod do problematiky duševného vlastníctva (Your own world of intellectual property - an introduction to intellectual property!)
- Elektronické podávanie medzinárodných patentových prihlášok - názov hovorí za všetko (Electronic filing of international patent applications - the name says it all)
- Kyliánová D. - Lalíková L.: Hodnota značky a jej podiel na nehmotnom majetku podniku. 2010. 5,- €
(Kyliánová D. - Lalíková L.: The value of a brand and its share in the intangible assets of an enterprise. 2010. 5,- €)
Ján Barica: Small Slovak Pantheon of Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology of the Slovak Republic, 2004 134 p., price 4,97 €
The publication was created by the renowned Slovak writer of non-fiction and popularizer of science and technology Dr. Ján Barica, an author awarded with several important prizes from literary institutions, laureate of the Vojtech Zamarovsky Award for lifetime contribution to the field of non-fiction. In this his latest book publication, he has undertaken to broaden the readers' knowledge horizons in the history of important technical inventions and scientific discoveries made on the Slovak territory by personalities of Slovak origin, but also by personalities who, although not of Slovak origin, were born on Slovak territory, mostly lived among our people, and with their pioneering work made their mark on our history.
In the book we will not only find the inventors and discoverers themselves, but also the creators of significant overall scientific contributions and monographic syntheses, which were the result of the creative efforts and life focus of our personalities. Dr. Barica introduces them through basic data and facts.
The author has mainly pursued a popularizing perspective, which is why he has already emphasized the informative rather than the strictly scientific aspect of the material in the basic layout of the work. The book can also be very well used in the educational process, where, alongside the giants of world science and technology, students should also become acquainted with our pioneers.
Judgments of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, volumes 1 and 2 Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, Banská Bystrica, 2001, ISBN (Volume 1) 80-88994-12-8 and Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, Prague, 2001, ISBN (Volume 2) 80-7282-012-5
The aim of the above publications is to make the judicial decisions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office on specific provisions of the European Patent Convention more accessible and accessible to a wide professional public.This is a translation of the original published by the European Patent Office in 1998. Although the publications are published in Czech and Slovak, the two volumes form an inseparable whole and are harmoniously related to each other.The publications can only be purchased together, volumes 1 and 2 for a total of €24.89
International Patent Classification, 8th Edition (2006), Basic Level, Volumes 1-5, Sections A-H (+Handbook)
In December 2005, the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic published the Slovak version of the International Patent Classification (IPC) in printed, book form in view of the entry into force of its eighth edition on 1 January 2006.
The book publication International Patent Classification. 8th Edition (2006), which is a reformed version of the MPT at the basic level, consists of five volumes:
Volume 1 - Sections A - B, price: €9.62
Volume 2 - Sections C - D, price: € 6,63
Volume 3 - Sections E - F, price: 6,30 €
Volume 4 - Sections G - H, price: 7,96 €
Volume 5 - MPT Manual, price: 2,32 €
whereby each section deals with the following areas of technology:
The electronic form of this publication and further information on patent grading is given in the section on classification systems (systémom triedenia).