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Fast Track - utility models

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A utility model application fulfilling all the conditions for inclusion in the fasttrack procedure will be published within three months of the filing of the application and, if no objections to the registration of the utility model are filed, the utility model will be entered in the register, as a general rule, within half a year, but within seven months at the latest.

Conditions for the inclusion of a utility model application in the fast-track procedure

The utility model application will be dealt with under the fast-track procedure provided that:

the applicant files the utility model application electronically (via the electronic form of the Office of the Slovak Republic on the electronic services portal;

- the filed utility model application has a valid qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal;

- the applicant has an electronic mailbox for delivery activated on;

- the applicant waives the right to request, pursuant to Section 38(5) of Act No 517/2007 Coll. on utility models and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended, to postpone the publication of the utility model application when filing the application;

- the applicant shall pay the administrative fee for filing the application by bank transfer within three working days from the date of dispatch of the confirmation of filing of the application containing the payment details;

- in the case of claiming priority from a previously filed application, the priority document shall be submitted to the Office at the time of filing the application;

- where the applicant is represented, the power of attorney for representation shall be submitted to the Office at the time of filing the application;

- the application does not contain any substantive or formal defects on which the applicant must be invited to comment or to remedy by the administration pursuant to Section 38(1) or Section 38(2) of Act No 517/2007 Coll. on utility models and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended; 

- during the pendency of the application, the applicant does not request any change to the data entered in the register (change of agent, applicant, etc.) and does not make any modifications to the application documents, and

- no opposition to the registration of the utility model is filed within the statutory period.