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Legislation, methodologies, instructions

Zákon č. 146/2000 Z. z. o ochrane topografií polovodičových výrobkov v znení zákona č. 84/2007 Z. z. (Act No. 146/2000 Coll. on the protection of topographies of semiconductor products as amended by Act No. 84/2007 Coll).

Instruction of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic regulating the uniform form of the application for the topography of a semiconductor product

  1. Introductory provision 

  2. Normative part

The Instruction constitutes a standard for the modification of the application for the topography of a semiconductor product submitted by the applicant to the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") pursuant to the Act (Act No 146/2000 Coll. on the protection of topographies of semiconductor products, as amended by Act No 84/2007 Coll.).

The application for a topography of a semiconductor product shall contain:

  1. application for registration of the topography of a semiconductor product in the register (in one copy),
  2. documents enabling the identification of the semiconductor product topography and, where applicable, the semiconductor product itself containing the topography (in duplicate),
  3. the necessary annexes.

Application for registration of the topography of a semiconductor product in the register

The application for registration of a semiconductor product topography in the register shall be submitted in a single copy, generally on a form (.pdf, 177 kB) (PDF, 194,9 kB) issued by the Office. The application shall be completed in full.

Supporting documents enabling the identification of the semiconductor product topography

For the purpose of identification, drawings or photographs of samples of the layers for the manufacture of the semiconductor product or of the masks for the manufacture of the semiconductor product or of the individual layers of the semiconductor product numbered according to the chronological sequence of manufacture must be submitted in duplicate. Details critical to the identification of the topography of the semiconductor product shall be distinguishable on the drawings or photographs.

The documents enabling the topography of the semiconductor product to be identified must be submitted on A4 sheets (210 x 297 mm); however, drawings, if on sheets of paper, may also be submitted on A3 sheets (297 x 420 mm) converted to A4 format. Where drawings or photographs on two or more sheets are intended to constitute a single and complete drawing or photograph, they shall be arranged on individual sheets in such a way that a complete drawing or photograph can be assembled from them without part of the drawing or photograph being superimposed on the individual drawings or photographs.

The applicant may simultaneously submit the semiconductor product itself in duplicate or an explanatory description of the individual drawings.

Where the applicant exercises his right to designate any of the requested documents as trade or manufacturing secrets, he must submit the designated documents in an additional copy in which the indicated parts are illegible and such documents must be marked with the letter T placed in the upper left-hand corner of each sheet of such documents. The file as a whole may not be marked as a trade secret.
The textual parts of the application for a semiconductor product topography shall be in the Slovak language.

c. Transitional final provisions 

d. Signature of the authorised person
Ing. Ján Bachratý, v. r.

Date of last revision of the text: 1 October 2005