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Services to entrepreneurs

You will use your brand in your business every day. Do you already know that your brand, logo, brand are not automatically protected against copying and use by other people?

The solution is to register your trademark at the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic. Registered trademark:
• Will increase the value of your company, product or service,
• Helps to differ your products and services,
• It is an asset of your company – the value of the trademark in money is often even higher than other assets of the company,
• It will help you build your identity,
• Protects the product or service from being used, copied, or counterfeited,
• It will help you avoid disputes with competitors,
• It will help you grow economically and develop your company,
• The trademark is valid for 10 years, but you can renew it indefinitely.

A trademark application costs from 96 Euros if you register it electronically. How do you register a trademark? Very simply, you can find a short video tutorial here.

You can have a trademark if you use the Fast Track service, published within 30 working days of the filing date.

Beware of fraudsters! The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic is the only registration authority for trademarks in Slovakia.

If you need general information, do not hesitate to contact us on +421 48 43 00 111 or by email at infocentrum(zavináč) When registering intellectual property rights, you can use the services of patent attorneys or lawyers.

Company visit is our free information service for startups, small, medium and large enterprises. During the visit, we will provide you with information about the hidden potential of IP.

This information can help you to avoid major problems with financial impact; copying the brand and innovations, paying compensation for infringement of competition rights, costs associated with rebranding and the like.

During your visit, you will receive value-added information from our employees and useful tips:
• How to build a brand, product or service through intellectual property,
• How to protect the product or service from use, copying or counterfeiting,
• When to protect the company's intellectual property and when to use a different strategy,
• How to prevent disputes with competitors in time,
• Who to turn to when creating a strategy to protect your brand, products and services,
• How much will it cost to protect your innovations,
• How to get financial support for the protection of your products and services,

Our visit costs only one hour of your time. If you are interested in visiting your company, contact us on +421 48 43 00 261 or +421 48 43 00 111 or by email at infocentrum(zavináč)

Note: Company visit represents an information and popularization service in the field of IP. It does not serve for the purpose of calling for the submission of applications for IP rights, consultations for the submission of applications, solving situations that have arisen in the company in question or as a substitute for the activities of patent attorneys.

Don't have time for the lengthy registration of your industrial rights? We will handle your industrial rights proceedings faster!

•    Fast Track Patents: we grant within 24 months,
•    Fast Track Utility Models: we will enter them in the register within 6 months,
•    Fast Track Trademarks: we will publish in the register within 30 working days,
•    Fast Track Designs: we will register within 45 working days from the submission of the application.

Do you have an idea or a product and how to properly protect it? There are several ways. You can register a trademark, negotiate confidentiality with suppliers, check copyrights, resolve trade secret or domain protection. But where to start?

Use the IP Scan service - a professional diagnosis of IP for your company! As part of the IP Scan service, an expert will analyze your business model and products with the aim of creating a strategy in the field of intellectual property. Based on the analysis, you will find out what are the priority areas that need attention and that need to be solved.

IP Scan is suitable for you if:
•    you are a small or medium-sized enterprise and you want to create a strategy for the protection of your ideas, products or innovations,
•    you want to get an overview and specific recommendations about the possibilities of IP protection in Slovakia and abroad,
•    you want to know how to get financial contributions in the field of IP.

In addition, small and medium-sized enterprises that opt for IP Scan can apply for a voucher to reimburse 90% of the cost of IP Scan and thus save €720 in reimbursement of costs related to the implementation of this service. You can request a voucher for the IP Scan service from January 22, 2024.

Who will provide me with the IP Scan service?

IP Scan is performed by selected patent attorneys and attorneys. You can find the list of providers by clicking on this link (PDF, 379,8 kB).

Where can I find more information about the IP Scan service?

Are you an entrepreneur interested in the IP Scan service? Are you a lawyer or a patent attorney and are you interested in providing the IP Scan service? For more information, click this link to find our answers to frequently asked questions.

If you have any questions, you can also contact the information center of the ÚPV SR, either by e-mail at ipscan(zavináč) or by phone at +421 48/43 00 111 or +421 48/43 00 131.

For up-to-date information about the IP Scan service, we recommend following the website of the IPO SR in the News section, the social networks of the IPO SR, or the website of the EUIPO SME Fund, or registering for the newsletter for SMEs from EUIPO.

Ako funguje podpora pre malé a stredné podniky?

Fond Vám ponúka nasledujúce možnosti:

  • Poukaz 1 na službu IP Scan do výšky 800 EUR: Expert zanalyzuje Váš obchodný model a produkty s cieľom vytvorenia stratégie v oblasti duševného vlastníctva. Na základe analýzy zistíte, aké sú prioritné oblasti, ktorým je potrebné venovať pozornosť a ktoré je potrebné vyriešiť. Na službu IP Scan môžete získať refundáciu až 90% z ceny služby (maximálne 720 Eur). Viac informácií o službe IP Scan a jej refundácii nájdete v sekcii nižšie s názvom IP Scan: Poraďte sa s expertmi na stratégiu duševného vlastníctva.

  • Poukaz 2 na ochranné známky a dizajny do výšky 1000 EUR: Pri registrácii ochranných známok a dizajnov môžete požiadať o náhradu 75 % sumy poplatkov za prihlášku národnej, regionálnej alebo ochrannej známky EÚ a/alebo dizajnu. Takisto je možná refundácia polovice sumy poplatkov za základnú prihlášku ochrannej známky a/alebo dizajnu podanej v krajine mimo EÚ.


  • Poukaz 3 na patenty do výšky 3 500 EUR: Ak ide o patenty, môžete požiadať o náhradu 75 % sumy poplatkov za rešeršnú správu o stave techniky pred prihlásením patentu, ktorú Vám vypracuje ÚPV SR alebo Vyšehradský patentový inštitút. Rovnako môžete požiadať o náhradu 75 % sumy poplatkov za predbežné udelenie patentu (podanie, rešerš a prieskum), za udelenie a zverejnenie patentu v štáte EÚ, ako aj za podanie a rešerš európskych patentov podaných na Európskom patentovom úrade (EPÚ). Takisto môžete požiadať o refundáciu polovice nákladov na zastupovanie pri vypracovaní a podávaní nových európskych patentových prihlášok  na Európskom patentovom úrade (maximálne do výšky 2000 EUR).

  • Poukaz 4 na odrody rastlín do výšky 1 500 EUR: Ak ide o odrody rastlín Spoločenstva (EÚ), môžete požiadať o náhradu 75% zo sumy poplatkov za online prihlášku práv Spoločenstva k odrodám rastlín.


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