Online Filing (EPTOS)
Epoline® Online Filing (EPTOS) is a system provided by the European Patent Office ("EPO"). The system allows you to create filings in electronic form and send them to the EPO, the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic and also to the national offices of some countries.
The Online Filing System (EPTOS) is not covered by Act No. 305/2013 Coll. on the electronic form of exercising the powers of public authorities and on amending and supplementing certain acts (e-Government Act).
Filing options
- European patent applications
- national patent applications
- national utility model applications
- applications for supplementary protection certificates
- translations of claims of published European patent applications with a designation for the Slovak Republic into the Slovak language
- translations of European patent files intended for the Slovak Republic into the Slovak language
- subsequently filed documents to:
- national patent applications
- national utility model applications
- translations into the Slovak language of the claims of published European patent applications
- translations of European patent files into the Slovak language
Advantages of electronic filing
- security (filings are signed with an electronic signature created by means of a certificate stored on a smart card, communication between computer systems connected to the Internet is encrypted during the filing process by means of the SSL protocol; the certificate is issued by the Certification Authority of the EPO)
- speed (immediate issue of a confirmation of filing, which for new applications includes the assigned application number and the date of filing)
- efficiency (saving time and costs for paper, printing, postage, etc.)
- reduction of fees:
- discount on the filing fee for a European patent application
- 50 % of the fee determined in accordance with the scale of administrative charges, with a maximum reduction of EUR 70
Means necessary for electronic filing
Basic information to familiarise yourself with Online Filing (EPTOS) is available on the EPO website. The EPO provides all the means necessary for electronic filing free of charge.
If you have any questions or problems with Online Filing (EPTOS), please contact the EPO Helpdesk or use the EPO Contact Form