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Classification systems - Trade marks

The International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services for the registration of trade marks was established by international agreement at the Nice Diplomatic Conference in 1957, which was revised in Stockholm in 1967 and in Geneva in 1977.

The States bound by the Nice Agreement adopted a uniform system of classification of goods and services for which trade marks are applied for and registered and undertook to use this system and its formal arrangements in trade mark registration proceedings as well as in official documents and publications.

As from 1 January 2023, the 2023 version of the twelfth edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services, referred to by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation in Geneva (WIPO) by the abbreviation "NCL(12-2023)", is in force.

A tool for easy, quick and correct listing of goods and services in trademark applications is available to the general public at the following web address:

Zoznam tovarov a služieb podľa tried - NCL(12-2023) (PDF, 1,6 MB)

Zoznam tried s vysvetlivkami NCL(12-2023) (PDF, 186,8 kB)

The original version of the Nice Classification is on the WIPO website:

Other terms acceptable to the International Bureau in Geneva, together with a multi-purpose software assistant for classifying and listing goods and services, are on the

WIPO website :

TMclass - Joint database of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and EU national offices for the international classification of products and services (TMclass - Spoločná databáza Úradu Európskej únie pre duševné vlastníctvo (EUIPO) a národných úradov EU pre medzinárodné triedenie výrobkov a služieb)

TMclass - a single tool for classification (TM class - jednotný nástroj na triedenie (PDF, 4,6 MB))

TAXONOMY - a tool for the classification of products and services (TAXONÓMIA - nástroj na triedenie výrobkov a služieb (PDF, 8,1 MB))

Joint Notice on the acceptability of classification terms and generic indications of class names for the Nice Classification (Spoločné oznámenie o akceptovateľnosti výrazov pre triedenie a všeobecných označeniach názvov tried niceského triedenia)

Joint Communication on the interpretation of the scope of protection of Nice Classification class names (formerly implementing the IP Translator judgment) (Spoločné oznámenie o výklade rozsahu ochrany názvov tried niceského triedenia (predtým vykonávanie rozsudku vo veci IP Translator)

The international classification of the figurative elements that make up the reproduction of trade marks was established by an Agreement concluded in 1973 at the Diplomatic Conference of WIPO in Vienna. The Vienna Agreement entered into force in 1985. Although the Slovak Republic has not joined this agreement, like the member states of the Vienna Agreement, as well as other countries, it uses this "Vienna Classification" for the classification of figurative elements in trade marks.

The purpose of the classification is to facilitate searches for figurative, combined and three-dimensional marks. By using this Classification, Member and Observer Countries do not have to establish their own classification systems.

The classification is a hierarchical system which divides the figurative elements into classes, divisions and sections. The Slovak version is supplemented by special codes taken from the EUIPO Manual of Image Classification. The reason for introducing the EUIPO special codes into the classification is to enable searches to be carried out in EUTM documents which have image elements coded using these codes.

International Classification of Figurative Marks, Ninth Edition (Slovak version) (Medzinárodné triedenie obrazových prvkov známok, deviate vydanie (slovenská verzia) (PDF, 890,8 kB)

International Classification of Figurative Elements of Marks, Ninth Edition (original version) (Medzinárodné triedenie obrazových prvkov známok, deviate vydanie (originálna verzia)

USPTO Manual for the encoding of figurative elements of stamps (Manuál USPTO na kódovanie obrazových prvkov známok)

Variant of the Vienna Classification used by the United States Patent and Trademark Office