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Partners in the Slovak Republic:

  • State institutions
    The permanent partners of the IACS SR in multilateral negotiations are state institutions (ministries and central state administration bodies) operating in the Slovak Republic  (
  • Professional organisations
    In creating appropriate conditions for all those interested in using the system of industrial law protection, ÚPV SR cooperates with the following organisations:
  • Patent Information Centres (PATLIB) (Strediská patentových informácií (PATLIB)
    The role of the Patent Information Centres (PATLIB - Patent Libraries) is to provide users with comprehensive library and information services in the field of patent and trademark information, search and methodological services, advice on searching for information, making copies of patent documents, printing records from electronic form, etc. Each patent information centre also acts as a contact and information point for the Office.
  • Contact and Information Points of the Office (KIM) (Kontaktné a informačné miesta úradu (KIM)
    The role of the Office's contact and information points is to inform those interested in the protection of the results of their creative or entrepreneurial activity where they can apply for such protection and, in particular, to make the general public aware of the existence of a State institution which ensures the protection of intangible property, industrial property.
  • The Information and Advice Point of the Innovation Office (INNOINFO) (Informačno-poradenské miesto úradu pre inovácie (INNOINFO)
    An activity of the Office, especially for interested business people, to provide information on the possibilities of industrial law protection for all those entering or already in business, on foreign industrial law products and solutions, and to provide this information to the scientific and research community, etc.
  • Slovak Technical Museum (Slovenské technické múzeum)
    New partner of the Office in the field of promotion of concrete results of important inventors of science and technology in Slovakia.
  • Slovak Business Agency (SBA) (Slovak Business Agency (SBA)

Partneri v zahraničí:

European Patent Office toll-free info line 

European Patent Office (EPO) has launched a free info line 0800 80 20 20 20 to provide information on the patent grant process and patent information.The service is also available from Slovakia (Monday - Friday from 08:00 to 18:00).

Bezplatná linka bude k dispozícii jeden rok. Po vyhodnotení efektivity zavedenej služby Európsky patentový úrad zváži jej trvalé zavedenie.

Please note that some network operators, IP telephones, payphones and hotels do not allow or charge for calls to the 00 800 line

In this case, you can fill in the contact form, send it to the EPO or call the Customer Service Centre: (Monday – Friday from 08:00 to18:00)

Partners abroad:

  • WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization

WIPO Member States, (Členské štáty Svetovej organizácie duševného vlastníctva)

  • EPO - European Patent Office

Member States of the European Patent Convention (Členské štáty Dohovoru o udeľovaní európskeho patentu (PDF, 29,1 kB))

European Patent Office toll-free info line 

The European Patent Office (EPO) has launched a free info line 0800 80 20 20 20 to provide information on the patent grant process and patent information.The service is also available from Slovakia (Monday - Friday from 08:00 to 18:00).

The free line will be available for one year. After evaluating the effectiveness of the service in place, the European Patent Office will consider its permanent introduction.

Please note that some network operators, IP telephones, payphones and hotels do not allow or charge for calls to the 00 800 line

In this case, you can fill in the contact form, send it to the EPO or call the Customer Service Centre: (Monday - Friday from 08:00 to18:00)

Munich  tel. 00 49 89 2399 4500
The Hague  tel. 00 31 70 340 4500
Berlin  tel. 00 49 30 25901 4500
Vienna  tel. 00 43 1 52126 4500

The contact form and further information can be found at