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Classification systems - Designs

For the purposes of classifying products applied for registration in the Register of Designs, the International Classification for Industrial Designs, commonly known as the Locarno Classification, is used.


The Locarno Classification was adopted and introduced at the Diplomatic Conference of the Member States of the Paris Agreement for the Protection of Industrial Property, held in Locarno, Switzerland, in 1968, which adopted the Locarno Agreement establishing the International Classification for Designs. For the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic this multilateral agreement entered into force on 27 April 1971 and for the Slovak Republic it has been in force since its inception - 1 January 1993.

The Locarno Classification has been revised several times. At present, the Locarno Agreement has 54 member states. The Locarno Agreement requires the industrial property offices of its member states to indicate the numbers of the classes and subclasses of the Locarno Classification into which products are classified as the subject of design protection in official documents, documents and gazettes.

The Locarno Classification contains in Part I a list of classes and subclasses, in Part II an alphabetical list of the products in which the designs are embodied, indicating the classes and subclasses to which they belong, and in Part III explanatory notes. The current classification in force consists of 32 classes and 223 subclasses. The alphabetical list of products consists of approximately 6831 entries.

The 14th edition of the Locarno Classification entered into force on 1 January 2023

International Classification of Designs, 14th edition (Slovak version) (PDF,  (Medzinárodné triedenie dizajnov, 14. vydanie (slovenská verzia) (PDF, 392,5 kB) 392.5 kB) (.pdf, 383 kB)

The 10th edition of the Locarno Classification entered into force on 1 January 2014

International Classification of Designs, 10th edition (Slovak version) (Medzinárodné triedenie dizajnov, 10. vydanie (slovenská verzia) (PDF, 244,0 kB)

As of 1 January 2019, the 12th edition of the Locarno Classification entered into force
International Classification of Designs, 12th edition (Slovak version) (Medzinárodné triedenie dizajnov, 12. vydanie (slovenská verzia) (PDF, 680,4 kB)

As of 1 January 2021, the 13th edition of the Locarno Classification came into force
International Classification of Designs, 13th edition (Slovak version) (Medzinárodné triedenie dizajnov, 13. vydanie (slovenská verzia) (PDF, 384,0 kB)

USCL Patent Classification (Patentové triedenie USCL)

The classification used by the United States Patent and Trademark Office to classify patents and designs.

DesignClass (DesignClass) - A harmonized product designation database created under the Convergent Program (CP7 - Harmonization of Product Designation and Design Classification Project).