Designations of origin and geographical indications of products

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Applications for designs are filed pursuant to Act No. 444/2002 Coll. on designs, as amended, are examined both formally and substantively. The basic conditions for the registration of a design in the register and the issue of a certificate include worldwide novelty and the special character of the design. Design means the appearance of a product or part thereof, consisting in particular of the features of the lines, contours, colours, shape, structure or materials of the product itself or of its decoration.

The registration of a design shall be valid for 5 years from the date of filing of the design application. The term of validity of a design registration may be extended at the request of the holder of the design for a maximum of four additional periods of 5 years each time, for a total period of 25 years.

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Four reasons for Designs:

  1. exclusivity in the market
  2. increase in added value of the product - attractiveness
  3. return on investment in product launch
  4. gaining an edge over competitors