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Maintenance fees - patents, European patents with effects for the Slovak Republic

Maintenance fees shall be paid according to the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 495/2008 Coll. on the fee for maintaining the validity of a patent, on the fee for maintaining the validity of a European patent with effects for the Slovak Republic and on the fee for maintaining the validity of a supplementary protection certificate for pharmaceuticals and plant protection products and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended (zákona Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 495/2008 Z. z. o poplatku za udržiavanie platnosti patentu, o poplatku za udržiavanie platnosti európskeho patentu s účinkami pre Slovenskú republiku a o poplatku za udržiavanie platnosti dodatkového ochranného osvedčenia na liečivá a výrobky na ochranu rastlín a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov), to the account of the Office (účet úradu).

Item 1

Maintenance fee for a patent, maintenance fee for a European patent for

a) 3rd year

66 €
b) 4th year 82,50 €
c) 5th year 99,50 €
d) 6th year 116 €
e) 7th year 132,50 €
f) 8th year 149 €
g) 9th year 165,50 €
h) 10th year 199 €
i) 11th year 232 €
j) 12th year 265,50 €
k) 13th year 298,50 €
l) 14th year 331,50 €
m) 15th year 365 €
n) 16th year 398 €
o) 17th year 464,50 €
p) 18th year 531 €
q) 19th year 597 €
r) 20th year 663,50 €