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Hydrogen Technologies in Transport: Ready for the Future

As economies around the world seek efficient and sustainable solutions to reduce CO2 emissions, key questions arise: what is the role and future of hydrogen technologies and fuel cells in the transportation sector? What are the alternatives and the drivers affecting the future direction of mobility? And how might investments and technology deployment of fuel cells be impacted in the future?

In this context, the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, in co-operation with the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), are organising a high-level international conference on Hydrogen Technologies in Transport: Ready for the Future, which will focus on the usage of hydrogen as a clean energy source in transport. The purpose of the conference is to bring together the world´s pioneers of hydrogen technologies, representatives of the largest automobile companies, political leaders, and the scientific community. This two-day event will not only provide a forum for the exchange of experiences and best practices, but will also be aimed at identifying new challenges.

Do not miss the opportunity to attend this event in Bratislava on December 9-10, 2021.

More information coming soon.

Have you got any questions let us know via email: or call us: +421 (0)48 4300 171

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