Jakub Slovák
Ako ovplyvnil Súdny dvor EÚ svojím rozsudkom vzťahy medzi EÚ a tretími štátmi v oblasti práva na primeranú odmenu? Komentár k rozsudku Súdneho dvora EÚ vo veci C-265/19
How did the Relations Concerning the Right to Equitable Remuneration Change between EU and Third Countries after Judgement of Court of Justice of EU in Case C-265/19? (commentary)
Duševné vlastníctvo, Volume 25, Number 2/2021, pages 32-37
URL: https://www.indprop.gov.sk/dv-en/journal-intellectual-property/2021-1/2-2021/jakub-slovak
FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE (PDF, 192,0 kB) (.pdf, 187 kB)
Recommended form for quotation of the article:
SLOVÁK, J. 2021. Ako ovplyvnil Súdny dvor EÚ svojím rozsudkom vzťahy medzi EÚ a tretími štátmi v oblasti práva na primeranú odmenu? Komentár k rozsudku Súdneho dvora EÚ vo veci C-265/19. In Duševné vlastníctvo. [online]. Vol. 25 No. 2, 2021. ISSN 1339-5564, pp. 32 - 37. Available at: https://www.indprop.gov.sk/dv-en/journal-intellectual-property/2021-1/2-2021/jakub-slovak
The article reacts to the judgment of Court of Justice of EU in case C-265/19. It provides an overview of the court´s decision and explains the principles of national treatment and material reciprocity in the context of international and European copyright law, in particular with regard to the relevant provisions of WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty and EU Rental and Lending Directive, which were subject to the judgement too. At the same time, the article describes possible consequences the judgment could have for the EU Member States and for the EU and its acquis as such. The topic mostly focuses on payment of single equitable remuneration to third countries from the EU for the use of performances and phonograms of third countries nationals (performers and phonogram producers) on the territory of EU. Finally, few comments are made about the Slovak Copyright law and further steps are also briefly analysed.
Key words
case, judgement, copyright, material reciprocity, national treatment, directive, international treaty, reservation, third countries, single equitable remuneration, performer, phonogram producer