Andrea Slezáková
Distribučná sieť subordinovaných subjektov, jej tvorba a udržanie ako know-howsamostatného finančného agenta
The Distribution Network of Subordinate Entities, its Creation and Maintance as Know-How of the Independent Financial Agent
Duševné vlastníctvo, Volume 25, Number 2/2021, pages 26-31
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SLEZÁKOVÁ, A. 2021. Distribučná sieť subordinovaných subjektov, jej tvorba a udržanie ako know-how samostatného finančného agenta. In Duševné vlastníctvo. [online]. Vol. 25 No. 2, 2021. ISSN 1339-5564, pp. 26 - 31. Available at:
The services provided by financial institutions have certain specificities, in particular that they are diverse and intangible. Concluding a contract for the provision of financial services requires personal interaction with the client or in the current pandemic situation, communication in the online environment. In particular, in order to reduce the costs associated with the creation of a contractual relationship, financial institutions build distribution channels, which are being formed by various intermediaries among them independent financial agents. These differ significantly from other categories of financial agents, as they are authorized to operate through subordinated entities; this means they can shape their own distribution network. The paper analyzes the question of whether the creation and maintenance of a network of subordinate financial agents represents the know-how of an independent financial agent.
Key words
know-how, financial intermediation, independent financial agent, subordinate financial agent