Journal Intellectual Property

Laura Rózenfeldová

Ochrana duševného vlastníctva v kolaboratívnom hospodárstve

The Protection of the Intellectual Property in the Colaborative Economy

Duševné vlastníctvo, Volume 25, Number 2/2021, pages 6-12


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Recommended form for quotation of the article:
RÓZENFELDOVÁ, L. 2021. Ochrana duševného vlastníctva v kolaboratívnom hospodárstve. In Duševné vlastníctvo. [online]. Vol. 25 No. 2, 2021. ISSN 1339-5564, pp. 6 - 12. Available at:

The objective of this paper is to analyse the intellectual property rights protection issues in the context of collaborative economy, primarily as regards the protection of intellectual property rights of collaborative platforms, and secondarily as regards the intellectual property rights of platform users that create and make available their works on these platforms. In the provided analysis the author bases her conclusions on the applicable legislation and case law of the competent courts on the national, European and international level, as well as on the nature of legal relations established between collaborative platforms and their users defined in the internal documents of these platforms.

Key words
collaborative economy, collaborative platforms, intellectual property, copyright, trademark, licence, public domain licence