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Decision of the President of the Office POZ 2031-2018/II-78-2020. 24. 9. 2020

Z rozhodnutí ÚPV SR: Rozhodnutie predsedu úradu zn. POZ 2031-2018/II-78-2020. 24. 9. 2020

Issues from Decisions of the IPO SR: Decision of the President of the Office, POZ 2031-2018/II-78-2020. 24. 9. 2020

Duševné vlastníctvo, Volume 25, Number 2/2021, pages 55-56


FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE (PDF, 156,7 kB) (.pdf, 153 kB)

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
ĎURIANČIKOVÁ, Z. 2021. Z rozhodnutí ÚPV SR: POZ 2031-2018/II-78-2020. 24. 9. 2020. In Duševné vlastníctvo. Vol. 25 No. 2, 2021. ISSN 1339-5564, pp. 55 - 56. Available at:

The applicant sought to register the word mark „Do it for Slovakia" for goods and services in Classes 9, 16, 35, 38, 39 and 41. The Trademark Division refused the application for all the goods services applied for because it is non-distinctive. The Trademark Division found that the words represent a simple advertising slogan, which only directly informs the average consumer that the applicant wants to encourage the relevant public to perform an activity with its goods and services, or to make changes in favour of Slovakia. The Appeal Body agreed with the findings of the Trademark Division, dismissed the appeal and confirmed the decision. The Appeal Body finds that the sign applied for consists of word elements of the basic vocabulary of the English language and will be perceived by consumers in meaning "do it for Slovakia". Therefore, the sign is devoid of distinctive character and is not capable of performing the essential function of a trade mark.

Key words
Non-distinctive, Article 5(1)(b) Act No 506/2009 Coll. on Trade Marks, Word mark, Slogan