Journal Intellectual Property

Marek Kopanický

Komentár k publikácii SARIO: sektor výskumu, vývoja a inovácií na Slovensku

Sario Handout Commentary: R&D & Innovation Sector in Slovakia

Duševné vlastníctvo, Volume 25, Number 1/2021, pages 56 - 59



Recommended form for quotation of the article:
KOPANICKÝ, M. 2021. Komentár k publikácii SARIO: sektor výskumu, vývoja a inovácií na Slovensku. In Duševné vlastníctvo. [online]. Vol. 25 No. 1, 2021. ISSN 1339-5564, pp. 56 - 59. Available at:

The mission of the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) is long-term support of the FDI inflow, development of new sectors with higher added value, and export services for the Slovak companies. To present the Slovak investment and business environment, SARIO publishes its handouts, which offer summarized information on various areas of the Slovak economy in English. The documents aim to provide readers (mainly potential foreign investors) with a basic overview, while SARIO can subsequently provide particular investors with much more detailed and tailor-made data and information. In 2020, a brand new handout called R&D & Innovation Sector in Slovakia has been added among SARIO publications. Its aim is to demonstrate that Slovakia has substantial research, development, and innovation potential, which, moreover, has been constantly increasing in recent years at the public as well as private levels.

Key words
Research, Development, Innovation, Slovakia, SARIO, investments