Journal Intellectual Property

Jiří Srstka

Několik poznámek ke směrnicím EU z oblasti autorského práva obecně se zvláštním přihlédnutím ke Směrnici EU 2019/790 o autorském právu a právech s ním souvisejících na jednotném digitálním trhu

A few remarks on EU copyright directives in general, with special reference to EU Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market

Duševné vlastníctvo, Volume 25, Number 1/2021, pages 51 - 55


FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE (PDF, 142,5 kB) (.pdf, 139 kB)

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
 SRSTKA, J. 2021. Několik poznámek ke směrnicím EU z oblasti autorského práva obecně se zvláštním přihlédnutím ke Směrnici EU 2019/790 o autorském právu a právech s ním souvisejících na jednotném digitálním trhu. In Duševné vlastníctvo. [online]. Vol. 25 No. 1, 2021. ISSN 1339-5564, pp. 51 – 55. Available at:

The first part of the article deals with the general shortcomings of European Union directives from the author's point of view. His claims relate mainly to the directives in the field of copyright. The author addresses mainly epistemological and casuistry issues as well as the principle of proportionality from an academic point of view. The article also looks at the principle of technological neutrality, which the latest EU Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market violates to some extent. The author extensively describes the incomprehensibility and fragmentation of the directive in the field of copyright, which evokes sometimes even humorous paradoxes when applied. In its second part, the article focuses on Articles 15 and 16 of EU Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market concerning the newly introduced original right of publishers for use of their periodicals in digital form by other persons. The text contains an "animation" of the operation of these articles in practice. The author analyzes in detail the reality that these articles affect and predicts an obsolescence of this part of the cited directive after its implementation.

Key words
directive, imperfection, digital market, the publishers of periodical print